Rhona Buttress

Product designer - London

My design principles

  • Put people first

    Start with an understanding of the people using a service, their needs and strengths.

  • Communicate

    Help people gain a shared understanding of the problem and ideas.

  • Collaborate

    Work together and get inspired by what others are doing.

  • Iterate

    Do this to spot errors early, avoid risk and build confidence in your ideas.

About me

User experience designer based in London focused on digital and human-focused products.

Examples of work

A data driven project
With aim to help venerable people in the least intrusive way.

Teaching design thinking
Teaching non-designers to problem solve with design thinking.

Building an app store
Working with clients and developers to build a functional app store.

Mobile-first design
Building a self-service-focused experience to enable customers to help themselves.

Stakeholder ideation
Enabling stakeholders to collaborate.

The things I’m passionate about:


Hypothesis-driven experimentation to challenge assumptions and capture quick insight to validate solutions.


Considering the end-to-end customer experience through touchpoints and collaborating with stakeholders to share insight.


As a person with dyslexia, I have a passion for everyone in the team to be heard and understood. I have spent time mentoring teams on being inclusive.


In a hybrid world not everyone has time to sit in long workshops. So I’ve spent time experimenting with formats of how to get the best value from others with the time that they can spare.
Learn more about my approaches.


An image of a journey mapping exercise completed with clients to help them think through an idea they had.

A video clip of two people trying to keep a balloon in the air while performing tasks on their phone, as part of a cognitive load workshop series that I ran.